Friday, September 28, 2007


I just finished Stephen Clarke's A Year in the Merde about an English guy who goes into business with the French to open a tea house in Paris. It was okay. There wasn't anything fantastic about it, but it was moderately entertaining.

No quotes, nothing really struck me. I thought about just opening to any page and inserting a paragraph, but that doesn't seem fair to books that earn their quotations. Not that this book was bad, it was fine. And it makes 22 books. I am about 7 books behind schedule. Not too bad.

What else? Oh, I met a guy on that started reading 100 books in a year in mid-January. He isn't doing so hot, but hopefully I can use some of his mistakes as my inspiration. I certainly don't want to have to cram the last few months in. I am trying to read a little more often.

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