I kinda dropped out for a little bit, but I finished Ender's Game and I really really liked it, so I will catch up on that later.
My dog got her ultrasound, and she has Pulmonary Stentosis. She will be on medicine forever, but she could still live for many years. Woo hoo. Doesn't she look sick of hospitals?
I get my ultrasound tomorrow, so it is my turn to find out news. I am much less nervous about mine than hers. I do not, however, like the prospect of fasting. I can't have breakfast tomorrow, and that is my very very favorite meal of the day. In fact, I think coffee and toast, sweets, cereal, eggy wegs and cured meats ARE the reason I am a morning person, but it has been all flax seed smoothies lately, so hopefully once I know what plagues me I will be on the highway back to bacon and black coffee. Actually, I may just go have a cup-a-joe now as a final meal sort of thing before they tell me I can never have it again.
School is starting to feel a little overwhelming in light of all the medical issues lately, but I am tying to look at it as something to devote my time to instead of letting it drown me, I am prone to that.
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