Tuesday, November 13, 2007

The Roomating Season

The title of this book is atrocious, but I read the first page and decided to give it a go. I still have a ton of stripped books left over from my previous bookstore career, so every once and awhile I try to go through the pile to see if there is anything left to salvage.

the Roomating Season by Jona Raffe was pretty good. It was a girly book, I guess it was chick lit but I reserve that term for books I hate. It was a story told by an old lady about her and her roommates in the 1960's in New York City. Amidst the searching for a husband and the task of readying up the hope chest, it was a nice look at how single girls operated right before the era of free love. I found it delightful.

Now I am having an epiphany. I hate this project. I hate that I said I would read 100 books in a year. Because I am reading a lot of crap that I would have never even picked up, and my lonely to-read list is just looking at me like "remember me?"

Some days I decide screw it, and only plan on reading what I want, other days I think, but i SAID 100 books, I can't just stop. So I am perplexed. the difficulty lies in the fact that most my to-read books I still have to buy, or they are 1000 pages, or just difficult.

Now I am starting Out of Africa, it IS on my list, so that makes me happy.

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