Sunday, March 30, 2008

58. Booked to Die-John Dunning

This book has been on my reading list a long time because it is about a tough, gritty detective that is also a collector of antique books. The book selling parts of the book were interesting and it was cool reading about the competitive cut-throat book scouting world, but some of the dialog and phrases were appalling. I may read the second book in the series-Bookman's Wake, but only because I bought it and I feel a certain obligation.

Speaking of certain obligations, that is also why I am still keeping track of what I finish here. But make no mistake, I have all but accepted failure in regards to the 100 books. I feel great about it though; no more guilt when I peruse my favorite magazines or, heaven forbid, just want to play a video game or watch a movie.

I can linger over one sentence for an hour and even make the decision to just stop reading a book if I don't like it. When I was so concerned with the numbers, I would beat myself up for not finishing a book if I already had committed 50 pages; after all, those pages could count...

So today, I am going to enjoying cleaning up my apartment, test my hand at Risotto, go to the market and buy veggies for the week, and IF I feel inspired I will do a little lounging and slowly read a big, fat, wordy novel.

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