Monday, December 17, 2007

Back on Track

I am on Christmas vacation, not that that means that I have time to burn (or read 70 books), but it does mean if I am still about this project, then I have an opportunity to catch up some numbers. See, I am really torn up about numbers versus reading-list. I am trying to reconcile that by reading to-read list books in a speedy fashion. So maybe I can reach some kind of compromise in my head.

Today I am finishing up Persuasion, then I will hit the Curious Incident....nighttime book pretty hard. I am afraid to even set a number that I would like to reach by school starting back up in January. I am just going to soldier through as many as I can.

Persuasion is boring me to tears, but it didn't really get dull until I was too far to turn back. It is definately the most boring of all the Austen books. I have 20 pages to go, and I don't even car, I just want to wiki the ending.

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