Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Merry Christmas

Christmas in Miami was hectic and mad as usual, but festive and tasty. I had a lot of fun, but I am so happy to be home. Finally some well deserved time off after a rough semester and a crazy year.

I tried to read The Dance of Anger on the recommendation of my therapist, but it was so dated and silly to me that I just couldn't get into it at all. And I can dig the touchy feely self-help books sometimes, but this one was just over the top. Oh well, at least it knocks a book off my to-read list.

I am still reading Clan of the Cave Bear and I am really enjoying it, but it hasn't hit a delirious drug-like book lust yet. I am a little over 100 pages. My boyfriend asked me if I am going to watch the movie afterwards. I really don' t know if that is a good idea; I hear it is pretty awful.

I planned on reading all day today, but I got sucked into watching Alias because I got the whole series for Christmas break, and it is so good. I never watched it when it was on so it is all new to me. I still think I will read a good bit though because god knows I don't feel like getting out of bed!

I hope everyone had a Great Christmas.

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