Sunday, May 25, 2008

61. The Fever-Wallace Stone

OUCH! I hate being faced with things that make me re-think my whole way of life! Since reading this book I have not been able to make one single decision without thinking about every ramification of that decision. Do I eat cheaply, healthfully or organically? Grocery shopping brings about a existential panic attack. Every decision I make seems wrong, for the wrong reasons. I don't know what to do with myself, I rue the day I met my Cultural Imperialism teacher, how dare he remove my blinders.

The Fever

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

60. Coming Home-Rosamund Pilcher

Almost 1000 pages of World War II, English Cottages, and Cornish towns, yum! I throughly enjoyed this book and if felt like a good cleanse from rushing through so many others.

I am back in school this semester, and on top of my insane school, work, internship schedule, I am taking a 7 week course on Cultural Imperialism, with this course the required reading in in the realm of 50-150 a night. So I have been reading, a lot, and fast, just not for this project. that makes me a little sad, but let's face it, we all know my heart hasn't been into it since January.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Book Project Guilt and Acceptance

I do feel super duper guilty about neglecting my little project, however, it was a bit of a calculated neglect, so I have come to terms with everything.

I am reading a big fat Rosamund Pilcher book and various others. I just got back from Boston and all the used book stores were just divine. They inspired me, but the opposite direction from my 100, they helped me remember the importance of that one good book.