Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Dumb Chick Lit

I can dig Chick Lit. The Shell Seekers by Rosamund Pilcher is one of my favorite books of all time. The Thorn Birds, don't get me started. I still feel guilty for even glancing at priests because of that one. We all know my feelings for Amy Tan, and I can even get into the odd cheesy romance novel if I like the setting and the word "mound" is used with caution.

That being said, I can not tolerate a narrating female character that is self-loathing. In Bookends the main character Cath is constantly referring to herself as a filthy pig, or calling her hair, pubic hair or talking about how she is filthy. What the fuck is that? Have some self-respect. The book isn't awful, but she is awful and I hate reading her thoughts. I am so sad that women must identify with her. Try reading Catherine Neville books, now those are some real women.

I am on page 219, and hope to announce book 4 tomorrow.

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