Sunday, July 29, 2007

Long Book

I am still reading the 6th Harry Potter. I have barely skimmed the surface of And Then then There Were None.

So on the book front there just really isn't much to report.

On a dorkier note I was up until 2:00 playing Fable. What a tragedy, now I am too pooped to finish writing my speech, too pooped to read and really have just enough energy to play Fable, yet I shouldn't play until I am finished with my speech and my reading pre-rec for the day. (today it is 130 pages. That is pretty fast-paced in J.K. Rowling)

So the plan is to watch CBS Sunday Morning, drink my coffee and also work on speech, finish up speech, read Potter, run around and clean up apartment just enough to justify spending the rest of the day playing Fable.

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