Friday, July 13, 2007


I love J.D. Salinger. I didn't for a long time. The first time I read The Cather in the Rye I hated it. Years later, a good friend convinced me to try Franny and Zooey and I have been hooked ever since. I have since read Catcher 2 more times, and I like it now, but only because it reminds me of Franny. I finished raise the roof, Carpenters, and will probably read Seymour: An Introduction later tonight. Though it wasn't my favorite story, I can help adoring just because it involves the Glass family, they can do no wrong in my eyes.

I find that so far this reading contest is changing my life little bits. I am meeting strangers, I am falling behind on housework, and my TIVO is desperate for my attention. I normally watch hours and hours of TV. I know to most people, especially the literary and music snobs that surround me, that is appalling. But I am a full-time student with all the perks that entails. Long hours of monotonous work and very very little cash flow. There isn't a whole lot left over, for pricey nights out on the town, so TIVO has been my entertainment/comfort of choice. Plus, this is the first time I've ever had cable, and everything is interesting to me. I don't feel guilty, I have loved my hours of Little People, Big World while I work on Calculus.

That being said, I am down to about 2 hours a day, and that is in the morning. I am obsessed with the reading thing. I am cutting back this week though because I am about to be overwhelmed with massive amounts of school work.

P. 104 book 4

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